
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bitterroot Panoramas

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The Bitterroot Valley is a paradise formed by a geological oddity: millions of years ago the Sapphire Mountains slid off the West edge of the Idaho batholith sculpting the steep East face of the Bitterroots and leaving a wide fertile valley. Viewing satellite photos (below) shows the uniqueness of the range.

It is difficult to capture the results in words. From numerous points in the valley one can see the entire 60 mile sweep of the central Bitterroots raising into craggy snow caped peaks unsheltered by foothills. From spots one can catch glimpses of massive granite walls lurking just up one of the steep sided canyons. Watching the weather change in these peaks has become one of my daily pleasures. With 70 degree days in the valley bottom, Spring has arrived but the mountains 5,000 feet above are still locked in winter with hints of storms and fresh snow.

With a recent software update my android phone acquired the ability to take panorama photographs. The results aren't perfect but here are a few attempts to capture the bitterroots as seen from my daily runs along the irrigation ditch that traverses the East side of the valley.


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